April 8, 2008

Nothing "Super" about Superfloss

I've managed to floss religiously for 5 months now and yesterday my dentist noticed and was very pleased. Historically I've been frustrated with flossing because I have permanent retainers that I must thread between in order to do an adequate job. Flossing is already hard enough to do consistently, so adding the whole threading dilemma is one matter to overcome, but when your floss BREAKS, it's adding insult to injury.

WTF is up with floss that breaks? I cannot complete a normal flossing session with a piece of this "Superfloss" without it breaking. It's called Superfloss because they are individually cut pieces of floss roughly 20 inches long with one end that is waxed and stiffened making it easier to thread through retainers and braces. In addition, 5 inches or so are textured for increase traction and tartar-pick-up.

Glide also makes similar floss that doesn't break, but I was told that Glide floss doesn't pick up as much dental debris, so I tried Oral B's Superfloss. Bad idea. Invariably a piece of this Superfloss gets super-stuck in between my teeth when it breaks. The only solution is to get a piece of glide floss and floss it out.

If I have to floss out your floss, there is something seriously wrong with your floss. Superfloss is supposed to be super strong. I think I saw a superman movie with one of his super-hairs supporting 2000 pounds with its tinsel strength. If your floss can F'ing do that, then you can name it "Superfloss". Otherwise, I will stick to Glide.


Unknown said...

I also have a bad experience in using Oral-B Super floss right now. I had a fixed bridge five months ago,thats why Am really concern about debris stuck under line gum, At first it was really helpful for itchy gum once you slide it the way they instructed on the package.(motion)But the problem is the super floss wasn't super at all as it breaks in the middle of using. The spongy part is not spongy at all either. It damage my underline gum. The result is swollen gum. Thus,the cut on my gum exposed to some bacteria. This is a big hassle.

Marcia said...
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